=Merle Mckenzie=
4/9/2013 10:02:47 AM
4/9/2013 10:02:47 AM thelowlander
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When I arrived at Ben's house on Friday night, I was really excited, because Ben told me that we were going to Auckland! He told me to make sure I had an extra set of clothes and he helped me pack for the big trip. On Saturday morning, after I woke up, I went with Ben to soccer. Amy was also there! They played in a bright green kit. Straight after soccer, it was finally time to go to Auckland. Ben let me sit with him in the car between him and Molly. I had to sit on a booster seat, because I was too short!
We stopped for lunch at a bakery and Ben and I shared a sausage roll. Then it was time to hit the road once again. When we got to the hotel, while the others were unpacking, I sneaked into the mini bar box, but Ben caught me before I could grab any chocolate! Then we went out onto the balcony and the view was amazing! After all, we were on the tenth floor! It was so high up!