Jodi Visits Oliver's House

Hi there!  Jodi here!
Boy did I have fun at Oliver Karels' house!
I played the ukulele, read a book to Oliver, slid down the slide, did a flip on the trampoline, built a block tower, had a bath and cuddled a BIG bear.
Bye for now,

MSN NZ Travel Find a way to cure that travel bug

My Evening With Jules & Nicola

Goodnesshow busy I am!

I stayed at another friend’s house last night. I really enjoyed looking at myself in the mirror.  I know I  look gorgeous! I had to go to the loo but someone took a photo of me. That wasn’t vey nice. I did have a lovely cuddle with the cat though. She is called Tiger.

Speak to you soon



My Jungle Adventure with Oliver & Vanessa

Greetings Earthlings,

I have been for another adventure!  I just love them!  In the forest we looked for some bears but then I realised that we live in New Zealand and we don’t have any wild bears here!  Phew! That’s lucky! I stopped for a drink and then thought about climbing Maungatapere’s famous Wedgie Tree but my friends thought it might give me a wedgie.  I thought that was the idea!  Maybe someone else will let me climb it.  I hope I don’t fall off and land on someone’s head!

Anyway, be good until next time

Your friend Jodi



Elliott & Lily take me for an adventure!

Hi! It's me Jodi, I'm out of my box again!
I got two monkeys to take photos of me on the playground.  It was fun having my photo taken.  I have been playing on the monkey bars (with the two other monkeys) and sitting on the wall.  I think I look very pretty in the new dress that Jacqui gave me. What do you think? 
Sliding on the handrail was fun although I had to watch out for splinters!  Ouch! I can't wait for my next adventure!
See you soon
Jodi the gorgeous giraffe!

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Hello Again!

Hi everyone
I had a great weekend at Jacqui's house. We took heaps of photos which we will add later.
Speak to you soon

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I meet Room 6 at Maungatapere

Hello again

Jodi here. I’ve been having a huge rest but now I’m ready to have lots of fun again.  This morning I met the cool kids from Room 6 at Maungatapere School.  They are very handsome and beautiful and also very friendly. (Well mostly)   We went for a play on the Senior playground.

If you look carefully at the photos you will see that I like climbing really high.  I tried to climb the wall but I got stuck!  One of the lovely kids had to help me out! I hope to get lots of cuddles and to visit lots of different kid’s homes.  If they take photos of me they can add them to my web site.  Don’t forget to write a short diary entry.

All the best
