Visit to Jacobs house

jodi & Juju, & jacob, Brooke, jodi, juju,& Duke , Jodi.

Hi today i got to go home with Jacob, the bus trip  to Jacobs house had lots of corners,  i was nearly sick in my suit case. when i arrived at Jacob house i went down to the sand pit i played on Riley's digger and then i went to meet  Rambo, then Brooke introduced me to her giraffe juju, then we all sat on the couch and watched sticky TV with Jacob, i also met Duke now i have never met such a dopey dog in my life, he didn't know what i was, and i wasn't to sure what he was, i was a little late getting to bed tonight,{ oops, 7.30pm}, I had a fun time at  Jacobs thanks for bringing me to your home Jacob 
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