Visit with Rachael

Hello, it's me, Jodi.  How are you all?  It's great to be back again.  I've moved on.  This time I travelled to Ruakaka Primary School.
I spent the day in Room 4, then Rachael took me home.  Once again I was packed into my suitcase for another trip.
When I arrived at Rachael's place I had to wait in my suitcase while Rachaels mother talked quickly on the phone then opened my suitcase.  Rachael took me out and put on some of my clothes.
Rachael ate her afternnon tea before putting on my rain coat and changing into her farm clothes so she could go down and see her pony,  Bobby.  She took me with her.  Rachael also took her dog, Sox, the big black and white Border Collie x Smithfiield dog with her.
Bob, it turned out, was bay with three white socks.  He was the loviest pony I've ever met.  I got to sit on his back even though my raincoat flapped around me.  He was calm and grazed as though I wasn't there.  It was a lovely ride.
I also met Rachaels pet sheep, Nibbles, and her fostered lambs.  She was quite curious.  We spent around 15 minutes down with Bob, then we went back up.
We went down to Rachaels parents squash court, and each had a game, except for me.  I watched and Rachael and her sister had a game of catch with me.  I got bumped on the head so Rachael put me in the beer fridge with some beer bottles on my head.  I felt much better when she took me out.
We went back to Rachaels place. I went to bed at exactly 7 o'clock and Rachael made up a nice bed for me.
I had a great sleep and I can't wait for my next adventure!
From Jodi
4 Responses
  1. Wow, Jodi sounds like fun at Rachael's. Hope you come back to school!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    jodi sounds like she had fun at rachaels I wonder if she will want to come back?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Great stuff Jodi
    I wonder who's having the most fun? I think we will have to wait and see!
    I miss you lots Jodi but the Room 6 kids at Maungatapere School are lovely and are looking after me really well.

    Speak to you soon Jodi
    From Olli
    By the way, did Mr Overeem mow his lawns in the weekend? Could you ask him for me

  4. Maxine Hiki Says:

    hi jodi, u must of had fun with rachael.